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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 6:39 am    Post subject:

azureus is good, its also easy to use, download program.
Set a directory for your torrents.
Download some torrents
Open program
Click on second button from left on the top row of buttons.
Select a download directory.
Check the torrent has a green light (may take time)
Double click the download and check that it is connected to seeds and peers, and see if it starts downloading (may time time to get started especially if seeders are few)
PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 5:40 am    Post subject:

whats the best bit torrent downloader i should use?

i heard bit come and azuerus is good

what should i use?
PostPosted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 1:43 am    Post subject:

Seeds are uploaders, once you finish downloading the file, it's extremely polite to continue to upload atleast as much as you download.

so say you download a 500 meg file at 100kbps and upload only at 40kbps, obviously you're only going ot have uploaded only a portion of that file, it's liked and generally a good thing to do, to upload as much as you download.

the way torrents work, is you're downloading and uploading at the same time. peers are people tryign to download the same file as you, and seeds are people who already ahve the file.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 12:54 am    Post subject:

uh...this is what it says=
The lastest version is version 3.1(10-02-2005)

Download via Sourceforge:
ABC-win32-v3.1.exe (Installer) (Source)
Or download via BitTorrent:
ABC-win32-v3.1.exe (Installer) (Source)
If you want to make PHP webserver for ABC web interface service you can download PHP script coded by Michel Hartmann or test this feature at, and if you want to program some network programming to connect with ABC you can use this protocol.


Source Code

Linux source code : ABC-Linux-V.2.4.3-alpha.tar.gz (Alpha see FAQ)
Win32 source code :


Other Languages package

7-16-04: portuguese_br.lang by kunai
7-15-04: arabic.lang by alkobra
7-15-04: spanish.lang by Fco. Javier Rodriguez Mesa
7-15-04: korean.lang by Sang Wook Sohn
7-14-04: german.lang by Xabyos
Française (included in 2.6.9) [ Thanks, Daimonji ]
7-14-04: french.lang from Nico MOI
7-15-04: chinese_simp.lang (GB2312)
7-15-04: chinese_trad.lang (BIG5)
(Full install package) here [Thanks, Xia Qi from]
Norsk (included in 2.6.9) [ Thanks, Hans Christensen ]
Czech (Full install package) here [Thanks, Jirka from]
Slovenian (Full install package) (ABC-win32-v2.6.8-slo.exe) [ Thanks, Jure ]
Italian (abc-2.6.5-Italian.rar) [ Thanks, Mario ]
Catalan (abc-2.6.5-Catalan.rar) [Thanks, Mitsurugi]
German (abc-2.6.5-German.rar) [Thanks, M.Schmid]
Polish [in progress]
Note as of 07-13-2004: with the new language format introduced in 2.6.9, releasing a new language no longer requires recompiling ABC.
Additional language files will be posted here as they are made available.

The procedure for changing languages as of 2.6.9 is as follows:

Download a .lang file for your desired language
Place the file in the "lang" subdirectory under the ABC directory
("C:\Program Files\ABC\lang" would be the default directory)
Open ABC, select "Preferences" from the "Action" menu
Click on the "Misc." tab
Choose your langauge
Click on "Apply"
Close ABC
Restart ABC

NOTE (only necessary in version 2.6.9 -- 3.0 and above store priority as an integer value rather than a string):
If you have torrents in list, their status must be updated to reflect your new choice of language.
The easiest method it to select all torrents and click on the "Queue" icon.
(versions earlier than 2.6.9): For language packages that are not a full install package, you must install ABC english version 2.6.5 first, then download your language package, extract abc.exe, and replace your old english version of abc.exe

If you have a language file that you'd like to make available to others, please follow the following process:

Register for a sourceforge account (if you don't already have one)
Submit the file through the Sourceforge Patch Submission Page
Make a post to the Open Discussion Forum announcing the patch.
I'll try to post langauge files to this page as I have time available, but this ensures that others will have access to your work right away.

As of version 3.0, all text strings displayed in ABC are now found in the language file.

A new feature in ABC 3.0 is the ability to specify a user language file and to fall back on english.lang if a text string is not found in the local language file.

With this new model, ABC will search for text strings in the following order:

(a local language file, if configured to use one)


ABC Icon packages

Document icons by Eric Beaudoin
Greg Fleming Icon Set
CrazyJim Icon Set
Just extract them into ABC installed directory. it will replace all icons in icons folder

[b]What do i click on? sorry if this pisses you off in any way....
i'm not that godd with kind of stuff...
could u also please tell me what "seeds" are?[b]
PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 12:47 am    Post subject:

Let's see.

1. Torrent files.

Torrent files need to be open with a special application.
Personally, I use ABC, but pick any you want.
Link to ABC is

It will associate with torrent files so you just have to doubleclick them.
The rest is like in any other filesharing program like kazaa or emule.

2. rar

Rar files are packed files, just like ZIP files.
Which would mean there are more files inside one big file.
This results in a smaller download size.
For opening rar files, just use the Wirar utility.

Get it from here:

Finally, if you have any questions, just ask.
PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 12:39 am    Post subject: could soemone teach me how to use

bit torrent?
and how do u open up rar. files?

please tell me in detail

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