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Thread review
Thread review
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 2:17 pm    Post subject:


Currently there is one thread you made in review and one is removed permanently for breaking the rules.

I am currently in the process of identifying as to why your thread was marked for review.
This generally happens when a mod does not know how to handle the specific content. Rest assured, it will be reinstated once this is cleared.

Have a nice weekend!
PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:52 am    Post subject:

Now let me grab some cover before this thread vanishes in the darkness beyond time.
Good idea Ulty! Idea I am covering you with my coffee spoon. I hope it will be enough. xD

PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:20 am    Post subject:

That would probably be the legendary ghost of LAH.

It likes deleting, editing posts without notice.

I recognized some of its characteristics:
- it knows no joke because it sometimes deletes my "funny" comments
- it knows no theorem because it likes deleting threads which don't violate any official rules
- it doesn't like if you tell your opinion about a new picture thread
- it doesn't like if you draw another member's attention to not post duplicate images

And I am quite sure that it sometimes possesses one of our MODs. (:
You should get paid to answer questions with such insight man. Laughing Now let me grab some cover before this thread vanishes in the darkness beyond time.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:15 pm    Post subject:

That would probably be the legendary ghost of LAH.

It likes deleting, editing posts without notice.

I recognized some of its characteristics:
- it knows no joke because it sometimes deletes my "funny" comments
- it knows no theorem because it likes deleting threads which don't violate any official rules
- it doesn't like if you tell your opinion about a new picture thread
- it doesn't like if you draw another member's attention to not post duplicate images

And I am quite sure that it sometimes possesses one of our MODs. (:
PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 8:06 am    Post subject: Missing/deleted post

Once upon a time I made a post LAH. Well, it was earlier today actually. The post disappeared without warning or even an email. The title was "Straddle" and "Outercourse". (I ran searches for both and both came up empty so I created a new thread.) Now I see that the entire post is just plain gone. The content was appropriate to the thread and the forum and the images were not listed as duplicates.

I know that this is in no way 'my' board but seriously? Is it truly appropriate to just up and delete something that does apply and is relevant?

Most visitors to LAH are looking for new and unique content. When someone provides that content and it is just plain 'zapped' into a new dimension, the way that I look at it is that posting on LAH is wasting my time and somehow 'bothering' one moderator or another and the simple solution is the most obvious. Very Happy

Have a nice time

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