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Thread: HEIWACHAN - Unity/Flash games

Replies: 0
Views: 8994
PostForum: LAH Links   Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 1:26 am   Subject: HEIWACHAN - Unity/Flash games
I'm sorry if someone already made a thread on this site, I used the search function as best as I can, but I may have failed in my attempt.
Its a little site with some fun Flash/Unity games, there's a ...
Thread: [Ekikon Kenkyuukai] - Onii-tan to Pishuton Gokko!

Replies: 25
Views: 65129
PostForum: LAH Downloads   Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 4:42 am   Subject: [Ekikon Kenkyuukai] - Onii-tan to Pishuton Gokko!
Oh, sorry, I don't know how to do that.

I can remove it though. But I don't have the disk, it's a pirated version...Too hard to find it right now, and it takes microsoft 3+ weeks to ship it out to ...
Thread: [Kaeri no Kai 2] - Koyori ~Seven Days~

Replies: 29
Views: 33411
PostForum: LAH Downloads   Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 5:13 am   Subject: [Kaeri no Kai 2] - Koyori ~Seven Days~
Here is the torrent for this one, I am currently downloading it, i will seed once i am done.

Aaaalright! Sweet, two delicious games for tomo ...
Thread: [Ekikon Kenkyuukai] - Onii-tan to Pishuton Gokko!

Replies: 25
Views: 65129
PostForum: LAH Downloads   Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 5:11 am   Subject: [Ekikon Kenkyuukai] - Onii-tan to Pishuton Gokko!
here is a link to a site that has the torrent it works perfectly, enjoy

Aw man, you're so cool! Thank you!!

I'll start downloading it tom ...
Thread: [Ekikon Kenkyuukai] - Onii-tan to Pishuton Gokko!

Replies: 25
Views: 65129
PostForum: LAH Downloads   Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 4:48 am   Subject: [Ekikon Kenkyuukai] - Onii-tan to Pishuton Gokko!
I myself LOVE Exotic Condenser. He makes some of my favourite stuff.

Can anybody toss this into a torrent? I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
Thread: [Kaeri no Kai 2] - Koyori ~Seven Days~

Replies: 29
Views: 33411
PostForum: LAH Downloads   Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 4:47 am   Subject: [Kaeri no Kai 2] - Koyori ~Seven Days~
Any chance that there could be a torrent link for this? Direct downloads don't like me very much...My internet just loves to blip on and off.

Thread: [lah] TurupetaKyou No Yabou 1.81 Uncut

Replies: 223
Views: 434119
PostForum: LAH Downloads   Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 2:06 am   Subject: [lah] TurupetaKyou No Yabou 1.81 Uncut

Anybody have an alternate download for this? Thanks Razz
Thread: [Tetsu Kuzu Ya] Two Flash Games/Movie

Replies: 26
Views: 34520
PostForum: LAH Downloads   Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 7:58 am   Subject: [Tetsu Kuzu Ya] Two Flash Games/Movie
Thanks, OP...I just wish that Rapidshare would work for me for once. It just never does...Oh well.
Thread: [Pic-Mix] Loli-Pictures - 95% uncensored

Replies: 5
Views: 5508
PostForum: LAH Downloads   Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 6:22 am   Subject: [Pic-Mix] Loli-Pictures - 95% uncensored
Thanks! I know that this is a bit too late, but it's an awesome collection Razz. I appreciate it!
Thread: I'm joining, with a question.

Replies: 4
Views: 1137
PostForum: Introductions   Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:27 am   Subject: I'm joining, with a question.
Thanks! I'll work on that, I guess. I look forwards to never leaving this forums!

(Long time lurker, first time poster.)
Thread: [GAMEs][DIE DANGINE] You Seikyouiku... [ANIMATED]

Replies: 518
Views: 716738
PostForum: LAH Downloads   Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:55 am   Subject: [GAMEs][DIE DANGINE] You Seikyouiku... [ANIMATED]
Thanks for all of the games! Once I learn where the heck the password is, I'll be, er...Having fun. I appreciate it! Razz

Er, a small problem. The game I had downloaded, [WhiteMoor] Koyuki -Oniichan, ...
Thread: I'm joining, with a question.

Replies: 4
Views: 1137
PostForum: Introductions   Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:53 am   Subject: I'm joining, with a question.
Hello! I just wanted to note to you all, that a fellow ped-Er, Lolicon has joined. Now, I may not be (too) special, but I am in a way.

Is there any way, any at all, to play Japanese games in LInux? ...
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